source image : Specifications Design There is no much difference between the size of the BlackBerry PlayBook and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 , which is equally mengusun 7-inch screen. The cross-section is definitely didomininasi screen tablet coated glossy plastic material. On the back cover, plastic material using an abrasive plastic material, this makes the PlayBook impressed mantab currently in hand. At the top is the on / off button adjacent to the play / pause and volume. Showing consoles made by RIM (Research In Motion) is very concerned with the entertainment (music and video). Then the right side of the bottom there is a micro USB port, whereas the left and right sides left plain without the presence of the instrument. The whole PlayBook has dimensions of 194x130x10 mm and weighs 425 grams. This type of display is carrying accelerometer technology. One unique, in the Playbook there is no back button, 'to cover features that are ...
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